Well, as you can see, it's been FOREVER since I posted - or at least it seems like that. Summers get really busy and I probably won't be posting a whole lot but I'll try to make it more often than lately!!!
Julia and I did The overnight at the beginning of the month which was a really neat experience.
I've started acupuncture to strengthen my body for our next pregnancy. My practitioner advised waiting 3 months before trying to get pregnant again but we've already waited over 2 years (?) and neither of us want to wait anymore. I've gotten to a place where I'm not OBSESSING about being pregnant and we're almost just taking it as it comes so that's good enough for me!
We're heading out for vacation soon - Chicago and Michigan - so we're both looking forward to that.
Other than that, I've just been knitting and cleaning and trying to stay out of the oppressive heat - it's only 76 out at 9:30 a.m. but the heat index is already 82 and climbing. I'll post pictures in a week or so (hopefully!!)
Yup. I know. The world needs another blog like I need another cheesecake fast tracked to my thighs but here it is nonetheless.This is just my little take on the world and the stuff I get to see and do in it. There's a little crafty, a little hokey, probably more complaining than there should be and even some smiles. Let me know whatcha think! (Please be kind, though. I've got a fragile ego!)
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
It's opening day!!!
Today is opening day for a knitting yahoo group that I belong to - love2knit_dishcloths. A few times a year (is it 4?) we do an exchange and my partner this round was Judy from Indiana. Judy knit me a beautiful margarita cloth in Sugar and Creme hot green in honor of Cinco de Mayo and I just LOVE it!!! Check out the cute little knitting note card that she used to write me a note!! I just love that too!! I think this is an original pattern by Judy and I'd love to have it as soon as she's ready to share it!!
Excited! (wouldn't you be after receiving this cool cloth?!?!)
Meditation: Yoga meditation downloaded online
Yoga: 15 minutes sun salutations
Exercise: will do 4-5 miles on the treadmill 'cause it's yucky outside!
Meditation: Yoga meditation downloaded online
Yoga: 15 minutes sun salutations
Exercise: will do 4-5 miles on the treadmill 'cause it's yucky outside!
Monday, April 30, 2007
It's been a while!
Busy, busy, busy this past week!
Meditation: None today
Yoga: None today
Exercise: 3 miles (training for the overnight!)
I went to see a 'spiritual adviser' on Friday with my sister-in-law and one of her friends. We had scheduled this awhile ago so it's really quite a coincidence that I've had so many readings in the past month!! The reading was mostly vague - we'll be going on vacations and to weddings. But she WAS specific about a few things like a cup of coffee that I would be getting with 'fancy (read: decorative) cream'. Then it dawned on me that I take my coffee black. Also, a 21 or 22 year-old will get pregnant from improper birth control use and the man will NOT be happy about it because he thought birth control was being taken care of.
We had a wedding to go to on Saturday which was really lovely! The weather has been beautiful lately and I've been pretty much keeping on schedule with my walking. This week will consist of:
Monday - 3 miles
Tuesday - 4-5 miles
Wednesday - crosstraining
Thursday - 4 miles
Friday - 3 miles
Saturday - 10 miles
Saturday's going to be tough since we're going to the Ride for Life and I have a feeling we'll be leaving early in the morning. I may have to either walk in the afternoon or try for Sunday.
Tomorrow we're going to a pet parade at my nephew's school (leaving Winston at home because I just don't trust him around kids yet) which I'm really looking forward to!! And then I'm going out to dinner at Black Dog Cafe for dinner on Wednesday with the Ladies of Harley!! I really love going out to dinner with all these different people because I have such a good time but I really need to start sticking to my plan of ordering salads or I'm never going to lose this stupid weight!!!
Meditation: None today
Yoga: None today
Exercise: 3 miles (training for the overnight!)
I went to see a 'spiritual adviser' on Friday with my sister-in-law and one of her friends. We had scheduled this awhile ago so it's really quite a coincidence that I've had so many readings in the past month!! The reading was mostly vague - we'll be going on vacations and to weddings. But she WAS specific about a few things like a cup of coffee that I would be getting with 'fancy (read: decorative) cream'. Then it dawned on me that I take my coffee black. Also, a 21 or 22 year-old will get pregnant from improper birth control use and the man will NOT be happy about it because he thought birth control was being taken care of.
We had a wedding to go to on Saturday which was really lovely! The weather has been beautiful lately and I've been pretty much keeping on schedule with my walking. This week will consist of:
Monday - 3 miles
Tuesday - 4-5 miles
Wednesday - crosstraining
Thursday - 4 miles
Friday - 3 miles
Saturday - 10 miles
Saturday's going to be tough since we're going to the Ride for Life and I have a feeling we'll be leaving early in the morning. I may have to either walk in the afternoon or try for Sunday.
Tomorrow we're going to a pet parade at my nephew's school (leaving Winston at home because I just don't trust him around kids yet) which I'm really looking forward to!! And then I'm going out to dinner at Black Dog Cafe for dinner on Wednesday with the Ladies of Harley!! I really love going out to dinner with all these different people because I have such a good time but I really need to start sticking to my plan of ordering salads or I'm never going to lose this stupid weight!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Another quick update
Meditation: Satyam Meditation from Life Enhancing Meditations by Yogiraj Alan Finger
Yoga: None - not feeling up to it today
Exercise: none so far
I'm REALLY tired this morning - I don't think my body's used to all this exercise!!! I've also been having some really bad gas pains (I know, TMI but you chose to read!) since last night which seem to be subsiding but the combination has left me feeling like doing nothing other than laying on the couch! Unfortunately, I've got things to do today so I can't just lay around
. Oh well, I'll just get stuff done as soon as I can so I can nap when I get home! Off to my appointments...
Yoga: None - not feeling up to it today
I'm REALLY tired this morning - I don't think my body's used to all this exercise!!! I've also been having some really bad gas pains (I know, TMI but you chose to read!) since last night which seem to be subsiding but the combination has left me feeling like doing nothing other than laying on the couch! Unfortunately, I've got things to do today so I can't just lay around
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Quick Post!
Busy but happy!
Meditation: Meditations for Conception and Pregnancy
Yoga: None - didn't have time!
Exercise: 4.5 mile walk (training for the overnight)
Wow! That walk just KILLED me!!! The route I mapped out was very nice in the beginning but about half-way through, it goes STRAIGHT UP. I suppose it's good training and a great way to get back in shape but if I could've lifted my leg high enough after all of the exertion, I would've kicked myself squarely in the ass! I won't be doing that loop again for a LONG while.
We went to my nephew's baseball game tonight - they tied 10-10 - which was really nice! Tomorrow'll probably be another busy day so maybe only another short update.
Yoga: None - didn't have time!
Wow! That walk just KILLED me!!! The route I mapped out was very nice in the beginning but about half-way through, it goes STRAIGHT UP. I suppose it's good training and a great way to get back in shape but if I could've lifted my leg high enough after all of the exertion, I would've kicked myself squarely in the ass! I won't be doing that loop again for a LONG while.
We went to my nephew's baseball game tonight - they tied 10-10 - which was really nice! Tomorrow'll probably be another busy day so maybe only another short update.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Another Monday and full of focus!
Meditation: Chakra Bhedana Meditation from Life Enhancing Meditations by Yogiraj Alan Finger
Yoga: 15 minutes sun salutations
Exercise: 3 mile walk (training for the overnight)
I've got to run and get dinner going. Hope to be able to post more later but who knows!!
Yoga: 15 minutes sun salutations
I've got to run and get dinner going. Hope to be able to post more later but who knows!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Pet day!!!
I took some cute pictures of the pets recently! I've got a really cute one of Winston carrying two toys at once but flickr's being a bear so I'll have to work on posting that one later. We just had Eddie shaved yesterday so there's a picture of her before and after!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Inspiring E-mail
I received an e-mail from Pam at MindBody Studio where I occasionally practice yoga and it was very uplifting and resonated with me. I'm not sure what struggles Pam is going through but I will be sending her all the healing and loving energy I can whenever I think of her. Anyway, as I said, this e-mail resonated with me and I felt a need to post it.
Spring; A time of renewal
New buds forming on the trees, spring bulbs bursting into color, the rain-soaked days, are all reminders that the earth is in a process of renewing itself once again. As we welcome this time of year as a time of renewal, ask yourself, do you have a process that allows you to renew yourself?
For those of us who have a continuous practice, we know just how valuable it is to be able to cleanse the body of toxins and deep seated tension, to rid the mind of old ways of thinking, and to melt down the walls of resistance that keep us from from living from our light.
If you have yet to get started, but have been thinking about it, there is no better time than now. Our Beginner classes are on-going classes held every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 8:45. Please feel free to join us at any time. We look forward to meeting you and supporting you as you develop your process.
A Heart-felt 'Thank-you'
I would like to express my gratitude to all you for your support and words of encouragement during this challenging time in my life. It's times like this that I am extremely grateful for my practice.
While we cannot always control the events or circumstances in our life, we do have control over how we choose to deal with them. From a yoga perspective, we view these challenges as opportunities for growth. It is during times like these that we stop in our tracks, re-evaluate our life, and continue to realign ourselves with the things that are most meaningful to us.
As I prepare for my journey ahead, I feel blessed to be a part of this amazing yoga 'kula' (community). The energy and love has carried me through the stormy days and continues to light my way. Each day is a new opportunity to step into the flow of Grace. Grace is a gift, and that gift is life. Deepening my connections to those around me and the things that are most meaningful to me is a way to embrace this gift of life.
"The winds of grace are blowing all the time,
all we need do is set our sail."
Many Blessings!
The rollercoaster ride continues...
I found out on Saturday morning that another friend of mine is pregnant. My initial reaction was anger which quickly passed and turned to pity, sadness, loss, depression. Thankfully, the spiritual fair was that day so I had 2 different readings and am feeling much better. Everyone keeps telling me that we're going to have two children (One of which was standing next to me during my first reading. That just made me feel so much more calm and peaceful.) so I have focused on being more peaceful and mindful and following the path that has been set out for me and knowing that in its own time, my life will fall into place in the manner in which it is supposed to. I really am very happy for my friend and I know she'll be a really fun mom!!! And it's not like we're REALLY close so I won't be constantly confronted with her pregnancy - I know at times it will still remind me of everything that I've lost so it will still be difficult at times.
So any of my friends who are reading this are probably thinking that I've gone off the deep end with this new age crap but I need something in my life to give me guidance and direction. I can only depend on myself blindly for so long and then I need some other insight. I had a numerology reading done at Stokesay as well and it was pretty amazing. I'm still very skeptical of people (one of my challenges - too funny!) and sometimes feel like they're just telling me what I want to hear but they all pretty much keep telling me the same thing - that I've a very strong person (duh.), and that I'm very psychic and am now on the right path (or making the right choices, etc. - the language varies but it's usually the same message). So, I'm going to continue to trust my instincts - about EVERYTHING - and do what I can to listen to myself (Does anybody remember the scene in Best in Show where the blond says she's waiting for another message from herself!!! I feel sort of like that - an idiot listening to another idiot!)
Throughout this period of depression, self pity, whatever you want to call it, I haven't been writing - journaling, yes but the book has taken a back seat. I'm going to make it a priority now so there may not be more than a weekly update post while I readjust my routines and priorities.
I've signed up for the motorcycle safety course and begin it on May 7 - Chris' birthday!! I'm looking forward to learning something new and I'm hoping that this summer may end up being a summer or Chris and I riding together! I smile every time I think about the two of us heading out for a scenic ride (on separate bikes for a change) on those days when nothing's going on!!
The Spa at Hershey was wonderful although we were at a friend's house on Saturday night and I had entirely too much to drink (surprise, surprise - my numerology reading warned of excess!!!) and my head was aching for some of the day. There were 14 ladies of harley there and we had a really nice time!!!
Ok... Off to plan the day. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and will have a wonderful week as well! And did I mention that I woke up to snow on the ground this morning. It was just a dusting and I think it's just about all gone by now but that really was a shocker!!! It is April, right?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Winston and the Easter Bunny
Winston got his picture taken with the Easter Bunny this year at PetExpress! (This picture was actually taken on 4/7 but I just got around to scanning it with my NEW SCANNER!!!!) He was a complete ass after his picture and snapped at another (way mellow) dog so we had to leave the store quickly. Guess I need to work more on his anti-aggressiveness training! Good Dog U website, here we come!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Motorcycles, MP530, Meat and Mettings!
What a day!! Yesterday I was feeling really good - perhaps the best I have in a week. Still tired but emotionally quite stable
and today was almost as good!
I started off my day by purchasing a new Canon Pixma MP530 all-in-one printer that I'm enjoying so far! Then, I decided to go over to the DMV and get my motorcycle permit. I've been toying with the idea of getting my license since my miscarriage last January (2006) and was looking at the motorcycle safety program again the other day. In order to take the course, you have to have your permit and the permit is good for a year. I'm still not sure if I'm going to take the course or not but at least if I decide on a whim that I want to, I'm ready to go!! It made me feel very empowered to walk out of there with my permit! I guess it kind of makes me feel like I may be getting my life back to normal - whatever the hell that is!!
Then, I went to the meat sale at my local grocery store! This may sound like a really ridiculous thing to be excited about but Chris got me a foodsaver for Christmas and I just LOVE to use the thing and the meat sale gives me a great excuse to do so! So, I ended up spending $156 on groceries yesterday!!! BUT, I've got enough pork tenderloin, sirloins, fillets, frying chickens, smoked turkey sausage and whole chicken leg pieces to last me for a least 4 months (or one big party!!!)!
Tonight was also the HOG (Harley Owners Group) meeting which we always enjoy. They have a 'pig pot' where all of the members present put in a dollar and a name is drawn. If the person whose name is drawn is at the meeting and has put their dollar in, they win the money. The pot is up to a TON of money after not being won in over a year so we always go hoping to hit it - that'll be my new computer!! - but no luck last night an it will carry over to next month! Fingers crossed!!!
Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be going out to lunch with my friend Julia who lives in Harrisburg but I haven't heard from her about it!! I hope she's still planning on coming because I'm really looking forward to it!
On Saturday, there is a Spiritual and Holistic Fair at a local 'resort' that I'm going to and on Sunday it's off to the Spa at Hershey with the Ladies of Harley!!!! I'm REALLY looking forward to that!! I'm getting the body coffee polish and 35 minutes of reflexology as well a lunch with the ladies! I was hoping to take a meditation class as well but they only have Pilates and Body Muscle (whatever that is!) on Sundays. I guess I'll just have to sit in the silent room and meditate by myself! Nothing wrong with that.
Off to bed now! For lots and lots of sleep to give my body the rest that it needs. I've been very achy over the last week which, I'm sure, has something to do with my mood. Hopefully, I'm on the upswing now.
I started off my day by purchasing a new Canon Pixma MP530 all-in-one printer that I'm enjoying so far! Then, I decided to go over to the DMV and get my motorcycle permit. I've been toying with the idea of getting my license since my miscarriage last January (2006) and was looking at the motorcycle safety program again the other day. In order to take the course, you have to have your permit and the permit is good for a year. I'm still not sure if I'm going to take the course or not but at least if I decide on a whim that I want to, I'm ready to go!! It made me feel very empowered to walk out of there with my permit! I guess it kind of makes me feel like I may be getting my life back to normal - whatever the hell that is!!
Then, I went to the meat sale at my local grocery store! This may sound like a really ridiculous thing to be excited about but Chris got me a foodsaver for Christmas and I just LOVE to use the thing and the meat sale gives me a great excuse to do so! So, I ended up spending $156 on groceries yesterday!!! BUT, I've got enough pork tenderloin, sirloins, fillets, frying chickens, smoked turkey sausage and whole chicken leg pieces to last me for a least 4 months (or one big party!!!)!
Tonight was also the HOG (Harley Owners Group) meeting which we always enjoy. They have a 'pig pot' where all of the members present put in a dollar and a name is drawn. If the person whose name is drawn is at the meeting and has put their dollar in, they win the money. The pot is up to a TON of money after not being won in over a year so we always go hoping to hit it - that'll be my new computer!! - but no luck last night an it will carry over to next month! Fingers crossed!!!
Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be going out to lunch with my friend Julia who lives in Harrisburg but I haven't heard from her about it!! I hope she's still planning on coming because I'm really looking forward to it!
On Saturday, there is a Spiritual and Holistic Fair at a local 'resort' that I'm going to and on Sunday it's off to the Spa at Hershey with the Ladies of Harley!!!! I'm REALLY looking forward to that!! I'm getting the body coffee polish and 35 minutes of reflexology as well a lunch with the ladies! I was hoping to take a meditation class as well but they only have Pilates and Body Muscle (whatever that is!) on Sundays. I guess I'll just have to sit in the silent room and meditate by myself! Nothing wrong with that.
Off to bed now! For lots and lots of sleep to give my body the rest that it needs. I've been very achy over the last week which, I'm sure, has something to do with my mood. Hopefully, I'm on the upswing now.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Another Appointment Update
Well, our doctor didn't say a whole lot new yesterday. We're going to re-run the tests that were 'abnormal' (the ANA and homocystine) and see what they say. He's upped my folic acid to a total of 4 mg per day and now we just have to wait one period and try again. I was going to have the testing done this morning but when I reviewed the lab slip, I realized that the homocystine was a 6-8 hour fast and I had just had breakfast. If I were to start the fast then, all of the labs would've been closed by the time I could've had the blood drawn so I'll go tomorrow morning.
I'm still trying to get myself back in order. I'm still spotting which is driving me crazy.I had every intention of going out for a walk today but just don't have the energy quite yet. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. I did get out in the garden a bit and ran Winston up and down the driveway so at least I was outside!! I didn't sleep well last night so I'm sure that doesn't help my energy level!
Anyway... Winston and I need to go get the mail so I'm off to do that. I'm sure I'll update once I receive the results of the blood work.
I'm still trying to get myself back in order. I'm still spotting which is driving me crazy.I had every intention of going out for a walk today but just don't have the energy quite yet. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. I did get out in the garden a bit and ran Winston up and down the driveway so at least I was outside!! I didn't sleep well last night so I'm sure that doesn't help my energy level!
Anyway... Winston and I need to go get the mail so I'm off to do that. I'm sure I'll update once I receive the results of the blood work.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Lazy Monday
This weekend was very up and down for me. I spent Saturday morning getting the house ready for Easter and by the time Chris came home from 'work', I was tired. Having busied myself all week with Easter preparations, I kept my mind off of everything else going on in my life and by Saturday afternoon, with little left to do or think about, I ended up feeling very down. Friends were going out to the bar so we decided to go as well. We decided this earlier in the afternoon and when I was time to get ready, I really wasn't feeling up to it but got showered and dressed in my most cuddly sweater in case I needed its support! I felt like everyone was staring at me when we first got there but I eased up and ended up having a really nice time. Of course, everybody knows that I've had yet another miscarriage and I did a pretty good job of telling people that I didn't want to talk about it if I didn't. (That's real progress for me!) I drank too much, of course (I started lent a day late and figured I'd end it a day early too) and stayed too long but I'm glad that we went. Friends from Chicago were there and it's always nice to get to catch up with them. Especially since they were only here for a week this trip!
Yesterday was a wonderful day! I didn't go to church because, really, I'd rather go on the 'off' weeks when it's not so crowded!! I haven't been in weeks and a feel a bit guilty about it but I will be going back soon. I think this week starts my attempt to get back to my normal life again - gym, church, walking, etc...
But anyway, Easter was wonderful! We had 10 for dinner - all Chris' family since I don't really have any. I did a photo scavenger Easter egg hunt for his 10-year-old nephew which I thought was a lot of fun!! I hid the eggs *in* things and then took a picture of part of them (the knob from a drawer, handle from a basket, etc) and had him find them that way. It kept him busy for almost an hour!!! When he wasn't occupied by that, he and Winston were outside playing which is great because as soon as everyone left, Winston was asleep and he's still tired today! There's nothing I love more than a tired, cuddly puppy!!
My mother-in-law made the ham and scalloped potatoes; sister-in-law brought mushrooms, corn, brussel sprouts and rolls; grandmom brought fruit salad; Aunt Gayle brought (Panera!) bread and wine and I made tomato pudding, Waldorf salad, green salad, strawberry pretzel salad for dessert and I got a bunny-shaped ice cream cake from Carvel! Yummy!!!
Tomato pudding is something that my father made at every holiday meal and I just came across his recipe a few months ago as I was going through some of his cookbooks. His recipe is very similar to this recipe except that it doesn't use the tomatoes, just the sauce. I used to request this all the time but haven't had it since I was a kid so I took a chance and made it and hoped that I still liked it! Well, I did and so did everybody else! I think that may become a staple for holidays for me, too!
We ate at 3:00 and people actually stayed till almost 7:00!! Normally, that would sound a bit overwhelming but I was really glad to have the opportunity to just hang out with everybody and spend some time with people that we don't see often.
We've got an appointment with Dr. West this afternoon at 2:30. I've *almost* stopped bleeding finally (20 days is ENOUGH already!!!). I'm sort of anxious to hear what he has to say but I'm really afraid that at this point we're onto an IVF discussion
which is someplace that I really don't want to be.
Anyway, I'm off to the front room to take the leaves out of the table and perhaps move it back into the dining room. I'll update about our doctor's appointment later.
Yesterday was a wonderful day! I didn't go to church because, really, I'd rather go on the 'off' weeks when it's not so crowded!! I haven't been in weeks and a feel a bit guilty about it but I will be going back soon. I think this week starts my attempt to get back to my normal life again - gym, church, walking, etc...
But anyway, Easter was wonderful! We had 10 for dinner - all Chris' family since I don't really have any. I did a photo scavenger Easter egg hunt for his 10-year-old nephew which I thought was a lot of fun!! I hid the eggs *in* things and then took a picture of part of them (the knob from a drawer, handle from a basket, etc) and had him find them that way. It kept him busy for almost an hour!!! When he wasn't occupied by that, he and Winston were outside playing which is great because as soon as everyone left, Winston was asleep and he's still tired today! There's nothing I love more than a tired, cuddly puppy!!
My mother-in-law made the ham and scalloped potatoes; sister-in-law brought mushrooms, corn, brussel sprouts and rolls; grandmom brought fruit salad; Aunt Gayle brought (Panera!) bread and wine and I made tomato pudding, Waldorf salad, green salad, strawberry pretzel salad for dessert and I got a bunny-shaped ice cream cake from Carvel! Yummy!!!
Tomato pudding is something that my father made at every holiday meal and I just came across his recipe a few months ago as I was going through some of his cookbooks. His recipe is very similar to this recipe except that it doesn't use the tomatoes, just the sauce. I used to request this all the time but haven't had it since I was a kid so I took a chance and made it and hoped that I still liked it! Well, I did and so did everybody else! I think that may become a staple for holidays for me, too!
We ate at 3:00 and people actually stayed till almost 7:00!! Normally, that would sound a bit overwhelming but I was really glad to have the opportunity to just hang out with everybody and spend some time with people that we don't see often.
We've got an appointment with Dr. West this afternoon at 2:30. I've *almost* stopped bleeding finally (20 days is ENOUGH already!!!). I'm sort of anxious to hear what he has to say but I'm really afraid that at this point we're onto an IVF discussion
Anyway, I'm off to the front room to take the leaves out of the table and perhaps move it back into the dining room. I'll update about our doctor's appointment later.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
5th miscarriage official
Well, it's official. I have now had my 5th miscarriage. I am so tired of feeling so completely and utterly defective that it's not funny. There are women out there drinking through their pregnancies, taking drugs through their pregnancies and they get blessed with perfectly healthy babies. I am doing EVERYTHING in my power to keep myself healthy for my babies and I never even get to hold any of them. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. Why is this so difficult? And why does everyone else get it so easy? I know that life isn't fair to anyone but come on. Isn't this getting a little ridiculous?
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
here we go again
The cramping started about 45 minutes ago - just in time for my ob's office to be closed. I'm not hopeful that things will be ok but I'll call them in the morning to see if I can get in for an u/s. The way the cramping and bleeding are going, I doubt there will be anything to see tomorrow but I'll post anyway.
Nervous morning...
My temperature dropped this morning and I'm really nervous about it. I know that you're not supposed to keep temping once you're pregnant but one of my (very early) miscarriages was heralded by a temperature drop and ever since then, I just continue even if I get a positive. I guess that's probably not a good idea since one temp can make me think the worst! Anyway... I just have to keep telling myself that it's just one temperature (even though it's the lowest one yet) and hope that it goes up tomorrow = (

Like I said, I'm still charting and I realized that without my fertilityfriend ticker, you have no way of checking out my chart if you want! So here's the link to my FertilityFriend page. I did a pretty good job of taking it easy yesterday. I may have done a bit too much but not WAY too much!! As I was laying on the couch resting yesterday afternoon, I resisted the urge to get up and do things and instead started making a list of them!! Last night after we got home from the club meeting, I did a few of the easier ones and enlisted Chris' help for a few of the others. If we keep up that pace, the list will be done before we know it! I think this may be a technique that I continue to employ even when I don't have to take it easy!
So, that's about it! I lead a very boring life right now. My mind is focused on getting this pregnancy through the next 2 weeks and giving my body what it needs which, right now, might be a nap!
Like I said, I'm still charting and I realized that without my fertilityfriend ticker, you have no way of checking out my chart if you want! So here's the link to my FertilityFriend page. I did a pretty good job of taking it easy yesterday. I may have done a bit too much but not WAY too much!! As I was laying on the couch resting yesterday afternoon, I resisted the urge to get up and do things and instead started making a list of them!! Last night after we got home from the club meeting, I did a few of the easier ones and enlisted Chris' help for a few of the others. If we keep up that pace, the list will be done before we know it! I think this may be a technique that I continue to employ even when I don't have to take it easy!
So, that's about it! I lead a very boring life right now. My mind is focused on getting this pregnancy through the next 2 weeks and giving my body what it needs which, right now, might be a nap!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Back to the grind... Monday, Monday!
Well, the spotting is definitely stopping! Woo Hoo! 
I got my three things accomplished that I wanted to do yesterday: make dinner (the lamb was very yummy!!), cut up my pineapple (which I'm having as part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast right now!) and I folded the laundry. I was pretty good at balancing rest and 'routine' but there isn't' much of a routine for Sundays!!!
Today will be the real test. With Easter coming up and us having dinner here, will I be able to balance all of the things I have to do with not over doing it? Will I be able to organize myself well enough so as not to be completely rushed, run down, and overdoing it by Friday? Stay tuned to find out 
Since I won't be doing any more running for the foreseeable future, I've decided to take down the running widget from my sidebar. Just in case I need it again in the future, though, I'm pasting the code here so I don't lose it in my computer! (It doesn't show up but at least I know it's here if I need it!!)
src="http://www.breakingthetape.com/wt/scripts/mileage_sidebar.php?mem=274&link=yes&show=lymw&link=yes" type="text/javascript">
And now without any further ado, I'm off to plan my day!
I got my three things accomplished that I wanted to do yesterday: make dinner (the lamb was very yummy!!), cut up my pineapple (which I'm having as part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast right now!) and I folded the laundry. I was pretty good at balancing rest and 'routine' but there isn't' much of a routine for Sundays!!!
Since I won't be doing any more running for the foreseeable future, I've decided to take down the running widget from my sidebar. Just in case I need it again in the future, though, I'm pasting the code here so I don't lose it in my computer! (It doesn't show up but at least I know it's here if I need it!!)
src="http://www.breakingthetape.com/wt/scripts/mileage_sidebar.php?mem=274&link=yes&show=lymw&link=yes" type="text/javascript">
And now without any further ado, I'm off to plan my day!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
more blogger crap!!
I'm really getting frustrated with blogger not letting me post/access other posts/loading my flickr badge, etc. so I'm going to give livejournal a shot. Since I'm still taking it easy, it will take me awhile to move stuff to a livejournal blog but I'll be sure to post when it's all done!
UPDATE: I just spent an hour or so looking over live journal and while I REALLY like the site, it doesn't offer the sidebar customization that blogger does and I just LOVE all of my sidebar crap and can't part with it. I suppose I'll just have to muscle through it with blogger!
I woke up this morning at 7:30 (as always) and couldn't get back to sleep. I've been sitting in front of this computer since then and I think it's probably about time I took up my place on the couch again! The spotting has mostly stopped so today's mission will be to avoid the overwhelming urge to resume business as usual and do too much. I think if I use my flylady principle of 'just 15 minutes' differently and only *do* 15 minutes of work an hour, I should be ok! I've got a lamb stew to get in the crock pot and some laundry to fold but other than that, there's nothing pressing that NEEDS to be done.
Before I got out of bed this morning, I was laying there thinking about everything that has gone on in the last year and a half of my life. Isn't it just amazing the way that we change and grow and learn? A year and a half ago, I knew very little about pregnancy and babies and all the rest of the medical crap that goes along with it. I've had to learn SO MUCH in the last year that I think if I wanted to, I could become an OB nurse
Of course, I'm just kidding. I know it takes a LOT of work to become a nurse but I'm just shocked at the amount of information that I have gathered over the last year. Going into a doctor's appointment now, I feel like I already know what he's going to say!
It's amazing how we seek out the things we need just when we need them, too. I know that after my last miscarriage I was looking for something, anything to help me understand what was going on and to get through all of my pain and confusion. I was amazed to find what I needed in an interest that I have long since abandoned; metaphysical, new agey kind of stuff. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time reading about crystal healing and tarot cards and psychic abilities. For some reason or another (probably at my father's insistence) I stopped learning about these things. After my tarot card reading in January, I've come to embrace this stuff again. I don't know if any of it really works or if it's all psychosomatic but does it really matter? I needed something and have found it, at least for the time being!
Who knows, next week, I may need something else and find it someplace else but for now I'm happy. And I suppose that's all that matters!
Anyway, I'm off to take my rambling, sleep addled brain to the couch for a nap! Perhaps some pictures later today!
UPDATE: I just spent an hour or so looking over live journal and while I REALLY like the site, it doesn't offer the sidebar customization that blogger does and I just LOVE all of my sidebar crap and can't part with it. I suppose I'll just have to muscle through it with blogger!
I woke up this morning at 7:30 (as always) and couldn't get back to sleep. I've been sitting in front of this computer since then and I think it's probably about time I took up my place on the couch again! The spotting has mostly stopped so today's mission will be to avoid the overwhelming urge to resume business as usual and do too much. I think if I use my flylady principle of 'just 15 minutes' differently and only *do* 15 minutes of work an hour, I should be ok! I've got a lamb stew to get in the crock pot and some laundry to fold but other than that, there's nothing pressing that NEEDS to be done.
Before I got out of bed this morning, I was laying there thinking about everything that has gone on in the last year and a half of my life. Isn't it just amazing the way that we change and grow and learn? A year and a half ago, I knew very little about pregnancy and babies and all the rest of the medical crap that goes along with it. I've had to learn SO MUCH in the last year that I think if I wanted to, I could become an OB nurse
It's amazing how we seek out the things we need just when we need them, too. I know that after my last miscarriage I was looking for something, anything to help me understand what was going on and to get through all of my pain and confusion. I was amazed to find what I needed in an interest that I have long since abandoned; metaphysical, new agey kind of stuff. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time reading about crystal healing and tarot cards and psychic abilities. For some reason or another (probably at my father's insistence) I stopped learning about these things. After my tarot card reading in January, I've come to embrace this stuff again. I don't know if any of it really works or if it's all psychosomatic but does it really matter? I needed something and have found it, at least for the time being!
Anyway, I'm off to take my rambling, sleep addled brain to the couch for a nap! Perhaps some pictures later today!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
still taking it easy!
A friend stumbled across my blog tonight (hi, Jen!
) and I realized that I hadn't updated it in awhile and probably should!
We had our 2nd ultrasound on Thursday and everything still looks good!! (we saw the heartbeat flicker!!!). I've got a subplacental collection which pretty much means that the embryo borough into an artery and created a hematoma which is what has been causing the spotting/bleeding. It's nothing to worry about (unless the spotting changes to bleeding) and should hopefully disappear within 4 to 6 weeks but I've still got to take it easy so I'm on 'light duty'! No lifting over 10 pounds an only light exercise if any I'm actually leaning towards none!! Laying on the couch and knitting/reading/watching TV has become a favorite past time of mine over this past week! I've spend the last 2 days on the couch and my index finger on my right hand is actually hurting from so much knitting!! At least I've got the dishcloths made for Easter Dinner! (I hope to get to post some pictures tomorrow but we'll see how I feel!)
I'm glad we have our netflix subscription - I have a feeling I'm going to be using it a lot in the next few months! Today alone I watched: Bring It On (a guilty pleasure of mine!!), Bring It On: All Or Nothing (my newest guilty pleasure - i just LOVE Hayden Panettiere), Posiden (fair at best), pieces of Erin Brocovitch, SuperSize Me and Friday!!! I'm going to be a pop culture expert before I know it!!
Anyway... it's late and I should be in bed... even though I've spend the day doing nothing, I'm getting pretty tired. Chris is out with friends this evening so I get to sleep in peace - at least until he comes in and wakes the dog!
We had our 2nd ultrasound on Thursday and everything still looks good!! (we saw the heartbeat flicker!!!). I've got a subplacental collection which pretty much means that the embryo borough into an artery and created a hematoma which is what has been causing the spotting/bleeding. It's nothing to worry about (unless the spotting changes to bleeding) and should hopefully disappear within 4 to 6 weeks but I've still got to take it easy so I'm on 'light duty'! No lifting over 10 pounds an only light exercise if any I'm actually leaning towards none!! Laying on the couch and knitting/reading/watching TV has become a favorite past time of mine over this past week! I've spend the last 2 days on the couch and my index finger on my right hand is actually hurting from so much knitting!! At least I've got the dishcloths made for Easter Dinner! (I hope to get to post some pictures tomorrow but we'll see how I feel!)
I'm glad we have our netflix subscription - I have a feeling I'm going to be using it a lot in the next few months! Today alone I watched: Bring It On (a guilty pleasure of mine!!), Bring It On: All Or Nothing (my newest guilty pleasure - i just LOVE Hayden Panettiere), Posiden (fair at best), pieces of Erin Brocovitch, SuperSize Me and Friday!!! I'm going to be a pop culture expert before I know it!!
Anyway... it's late and I should be in bed... even though I've spend the day doing nothing, I'm getting pretty tired. Chris is out with friends this evening so I get to sleep in peace - at least until he comes in and wakes the dog!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Still bleeding and sick of it.
Just when I thought the spotting had stopped last night, it picked back up and is almost like the beginning of my period. I didn't sleep well last night - I'm sure it was partially because of the spotting/bleeding and partially because of the worry. I'm so tired today and think that I'm going to just commit myself to the couch today and take it easy. I weigh myself every morning and am down 1.5 pounds from yesterday so I'm wondering if this blood had just collected and is now dissipating and that's what's caused the increased flow and "weight loss". I just don't know. This is so frustrating. I was just reading something online about corpus luteal cyst rupture and apparently, there can be more blood than I would have expected so I guess I'll just take it easy and wait till my appointment on Thursday to see what's going on. I really hope this stops soon. I'm getting really tired of worrying.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Anxiety and relief.
I've been trying to post since Friday and haven't been successful so I'll briefly summarize and if I ever get Friday's post to be accepted, you can read it then!!
I've been having one h-ll of a week. We went for our first ultrasound on Thursday and everything looked good - couldn't see the heartbeat but we didn't expect it since it was so early. Well, that night I had this tremendous (gas-like) pain and started spotting bright red no more than a half hour after that. Of course, I thought the worst. Got in for an appointment on Friday morning while hubby was having his wisdom tooth pulled and they said that nothing had changed (which made me feel a bit better) and ordered bloodwork. Vegged on the couch with hubby most of the weekend and was feeling better and then it happened last night again! The pain wasn't as bad this time and the spotting wasn't as bright but I still had a BAD feeling. I called my dr.s office this morning for the results of the blood work and my beta looks great - over 8,000 now - and progesterone does too - 36.67 so I'm very relieved by that. The nurse said that there was some fluid in my uterus that was unrelated to the pregnancy and could be from a corpus luteum cyst that ruptured on Thursday just before my ultrasound. Chris thought this could be the reason but nobody at the doctor's office had ever suggested it before now! Can you believe it?!?! You would think that with my history of miscarriage they would've let me know a little something like the fact that I may end up bleeding and it's nothing to worry about!!
Anyway... the nurse told me to take it easy until the appointment on Thursday so that is exactly what I'm planning on doing. I'm off to make myself some lunch and then read a book that's overdue from the library so I can have hubby return it for me tomorrow (taking it easy, remember! What a great excuse for hubby help!)
Keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly this time!
I've been having one h-ll of a week. We went for our first ultrasound on Thursday and everything looked good - couldn't see the heartbeat but we didn't expect it since it was so early. Well, that night I had this tremendous (gas-like) pain and started spotting bright red no more than a half hour after that. Of course, I thought the worst. Got in for an appointment on Friday morning while hubby was having his wisdom tooth pulled and they said that nothing had changed (which made me feel a bit better) and ordered bloodwork. Vegged on the couch with hubby most of the weekend and was feeling better and then it happened last night again! The pain wasn't as bad this time and the spotting wasn't as bright but I still had a BAD feeling. I called my dr.s office this morning for the results of the blood work and my beta looks great - over 8,000 now - and progesterone does too - 36.67 so I'm very relieved by that. The nurse said that there was some fluid in my uterus that was unrelated to the pregnancy and could be from a corpus luteum cyst that ruptured on Thursday just before my ultrasound. Chris thought this could be the reason but nobody at the doctor's office had ever suggested it before now! Can you believe it?!?! You would think that with my history of miscarriage they would've let me know a little something like the fact that I may end up bleeding and it's nothing to worry about!!
Anyway... the nurse told me to take it easy until the appointment on Thursday so that is exactly what I'm planning on doing. I'm off to make myself some lunch and then read a book that's overdue from the library so I can have hubby return it for me tomorrow (taking it easy, remember! What a great excuse for hubby help!)
Keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly this time!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Bleeding again.
Chris and I had our first ultrasound today and my fears were put to ease a bit (but not completely). When we came home, I put away the groceries and took a nap. When I woke, I had a lot of cramping like I had to go to the bathroom - I had a BIG salad for lunch and didn't think much of it - but shortly thereafter, I started bleeding. During the ultrasound, the doctor said I had a corpus luteum cyst that had just ruptured (I had *that* pain as I was sitting pants-less waiting for him) and that I may feel bloated and have some discomfort from it for 24 hours or so. Of course, when I started bleeding, I assumed that I was miscarrying but Chris wondered if it couldn't be from the cyst rupturing. You would think that would've been a possible outcome that my doctor would have made me aware of but he was very late and rushed so perhaps he forgot? He showed us the fluid from the rupture on the ultrasound. Could that be the blood? I've been looking online and have seen more than one article saying that corpus luteum cyst rupture can be associated with bleeding but I still don't have a good feeling about this. Chris is going in for his wisdom tooth tomorrow at 9:50 so I'm going to call my doctor's office first thing when they open and see if they can get me in for another ultrasound in the morning to see what's going on.
Please pray that this little one will hang on - I don't want to have to go through this again.
Please pray that this little one will hang on - I don't want to have to go through this again.
First ultrasound later today
Well, this afternoon we have our first ultrasound for this pregnancy. You would think that I would be very excited about this but I've got a really bad feeling. Yesterday morning after Chris went to work and I feel back to sleep, I had a dream (three separate ones, actually) that I was spotting and miscarrying. I've had a dream with every miscarriage that I've had so of course, I'm convinced that this pregnancy won't make it either. On top of that, my temps have started to drop which is never a good sign for me. They're not low enough for me to be 100% convinced that I'm miscarrying but I'm really afraid that this won't end the way I hoped. I've always tried to deny my gut instincts in the past but they always seem to be right - except for the fact that I didn't think I was pregnant this time. Perhaps this pregnancy has got my instincts all messed up? I sure hope so because I really want to meet this baby!
Please keep us in your prayers if that's your thing - we need all the help we can get!
Please keep us in your prayers if that's your thing - we need all the help we can get!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Believe it or not, we did it!
Well, despite all of my doubts, I had my blood work done today and the beta was positive - I'm pregnant! I can't believe it!! I'm so excited and at the same time cautious. I've got to go for repeat blood work in 48 hours which would be Thursday morning to make sure my levels are increasing appropriately.
Chris and I were on our way out to dinner with his brother, sister-in-law and some others when the doctor's office finally called with the results. They were in a meeting and couldn't get back to me till 5:45 or so. Luckily, I have our phones set to call my cell phone as well as the home phone so I got took the call as Chris drove. I was shocked when the nurse told me the beta was positive and gave Chris the thumbs up even though he had no idea what it was for - up until yesterday, I was positive that I wasn't pregnant. She said my beta was 151 (low but it's very early) and progesterone was 33 - both very good! I'm headed to fertility friend right now to record my numbers and compare them to my last pregnancy! (probably shouldn't compare the two but can't help it!) Anyway, by now I'm sure I'm just rambling on but I really am excited! (did I mention that yet?)
Let's pray this one sticks!
Chris and I were on our way out to dinner with his brother, sister-in-law and some others when the doctor's office finally called with the results. They were in a meeting and couldn't get back to me till 5:45 or so. Luckily, I have our phones set to call my cell phone as well as the home phone so I got took the call as Chris drove. I was shocked when the nurse told me the beta was positive and gave Chris the thumbs up even though he had no idea what it was for - up until yesterday, I was positive that I wasn't pregnant. She said my beta was 151 (low but it's very early) and progesterone was 33 - both very good! I'm headed to fertility friend right now to record my numbers and compare them to my last pregnancy! (probably shouldn't compare the two but can't help it!) Anyway, by now I'm sure I'm just rambling on but I really am excited! (did I mention that yet?)
Let's pray this one sticks!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Daylight Savings Time Strikes Again!!
Well... this morning I didn't get out of bed until 9:00 which is WAY late for me! I felt pretty much behind the whole day but I've managed to get most of my routines completed. Plus, Chris is out for darts this evening so I've got the house to myself. Man, do I LOVE Mondays sometimes!!
We had a BEAUTIFUL day here (I think the high was 53!) that made me very anxious for spring!! Winston and I went for a nice walk and he's sleeping at my feet under the desk as I type! Sleeping puppy is my favorite puppy!!
On Saturday, I went to a Holistic Healing Benefit at the Goggleworks in Reading. I got myself a beautiful stand of carnelian, a large blue and purple fluorite and a small garnet in some other type of rock from Alaska! I also had a channeled reading that was definitely not what I expected but completely amazing!
I took an HPT this morning because I'm on CD31 and haven't seen AF yet. I had some spotting Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday of last week which I assumed was the start of AF but she's not here yet. I assumed that the progesterone that I'm taking was keeping her at bay but figured I'd take a test anyway. I don't really know why since I'm going in for blood work tomorrow but anyway... after waiting the five minutes, there was a VERY faint positive - I mean, like, I could have just been looking at the strip too hard - that's how faint it was. I'm not getting my hopes up because our timing wasn't very good this month but I suppose it is still possible. Geuss I'd better wait for the blood test tomorrow so I don't go getting myself all in a tizzy!!!
I'm looking forward to doing some scrapbooking this evening. Heroes isn't on tonight (I am SO BUMMED ABOUT THAT) so I don't need to actually *watch* what is on TV tonight - I can just listen to it while scrapping. I worked on my afghan yesterday and got all of the panels crocheted together and started the boarder. I'm really getting excited about finishing it!
Oh well... I supposed I should get to the basement to put up the accent lights that I bought and then it's onto scrapping!
Have a beautiful evening!
We had a BEAUTIFUL day here (I think the high was 53!) that made me very anxious for spring!! Winston and I went for a nice walk and he's sleeping at my feet under the desk as I type! Sleeping puppy is my favorite puppy!!
On Saturday, I went to a Holistic Healing Benefit at the Goggleworks in Reading. I got myself a beautiful stand of carnelian, a large blue and purple fluorite and a small garnet in some other type of rock from Alaska! I also had a channeled reading that was definitely not what I expected but completely amazing!
I took an HPT this morning because I'm on CD31 and haven't seen AF yet. I had some spotting Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday of last week which I assumed was the start of AF but she's not here yet. I assumed that the progesterone that I'm taking was keeping her at bay but figured I'd take a test anyway. I don't really know why since I'm going in for blood work tomorrow but anyway... after waiting the five minutes, there was a VERY faint positive - I mean, like, I could have just been looking at the strip too hard - that's how faint it was. I'm not getting my hopes up because our timing wasn't very good this month but I suppose it is still possible. Geuss I'd better wait for the blood test tomorrow so I don't go getting myself all in a tizzy!!!
I'm looking forward to doing some scrapbooking this evening. Heroes isn't on tonight (I am SO BUMMED ABOUT THAT) so I don't need to actually *watch* what is on TV tonight - I can just listen to it while scrapping. I worked on my afghan yesterday and got all of the panels crocheted together and started the boarder. I'm really getting excited about finishing it!
Oh well... I supposed I should get to the basement to put up the accent lights that I bought and then it's onto scrapping!
Have a beautiful evening!
Daylight Savings,
Friday, March 9, 2007
I've never been much for art but...
but these pavement chalk drawings will blow your mind!!
My brother-in-law just sent me an e-mail (or at least, I just got to read it!) about this amazing artist who works in chalks and sidewalk! His name is Julian Beever and his website highlights some of his amazing works. The depth and reality of these chalk drawings is absolutely amazing and it's really worth a look!
My brother-in-law just sent me an e-mail (or at least, I just got to read it!) about this amazing artist who works in chalks and sidewalk! His name is Julian Beever and his website highlights some of his amazing works. The depth and reality of these chalk drawings is absolutely amazing and it's really worth a look!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Where, oh where, is spring!
It's been awhile since I've posted - been a bit busy lately - but, once again, it's snowing! It's a pretty, soft, light, fluffy snow so I don't mind it too much. I may even be able to clear the sidewalks with a broom! The weather forecasters are saying that it'll be near the 60s by next week so we won't even bother snow blowing the driveway - just let it melt!
I've been pretty tired the last week though quite focused which usually don't go hand in hand for me. Go figure! When I'm focused on what needs to be done, I'm too tired to do it!!! My temp has been dropping for the last two days so I'm sure that AF is on her way soon. I'm only on cd 26 which is early for me but last cycle was long so I supposed my body's still regulating itself. With all that went on over the past month, I was pretty sure that Chris and I didn't time our BD right and I wasn't expecting to be pregnant. On to next month, I suppose! I just have to call my doctor's office now and see when I should stop taking the progesterone. Left to my own devices, I would stop now but want to check with them first.
I haven't been knitting much but have been writing for at least an hour most week days. I'm really enjoying it! I'm about 85% done with my afghan and really want to finish it but I think I need a bit of a break - not to mention the fact that I don't know when I'll have any free time for it anyway! I'm hoping to get some pictures of my knitting projects posted/linked today. In a knitting yahoo group that I belong to, Love2Knit_Dishcloths, someone posted about finishing all of their UFOs (unfinished objects) and I'd really like to be able to say that some day! My sister-in-law and I are going yarn shopping later this month so I must restrain myself!!!
We have our last dart match this evening which I'm very glad about. I LOVE hanging out with the girls but the season gets SOOOOOOOOO long. We've got a meeting about the league party next week and then playoffs start so I've got a bit of time before I can relax on a Wednesday night but at least the end is in sight!!
I'm getting that stupid box at the bottom of the page saying "Could not connect to Blogger.com. Saving and publishing may fail."
This really ticks me off!!!
Anyway... since it will probably take me quite awhile to get this posted - what with trying and retrying - I'll quit here and try to organize my knitting projects. Perhaps it's a sign.
Have a beautiful day!
I've been pretty tired the last week though quite focused which usually don't go hand in hand for me. Go figure! When I'm focused on what needs to be done, I'm too tired to do it!!! My temp has been dropping for the last two days so I'm sure that AF is on her way soon. I'm only on cd 26 which is early for me but last cycle was long so I supposed my body's still regulating itself. With all that went on over the past month, I was pretty sure that Chris and I didn't time our BD right and I wasn't expecting to be pregnant. On to next month, I suppose! I just have to call my doctor's office now and see when I should stop taking the progesterone. Left to my own devices, I would stop now but want to check with them first.
I haven't been knitting much but have been writing for at least an hour most week days. I'm really enjoying it! I'm about 85% done with my afghan and really want to finish it but I think I need a bit of a break - not to mention the fact that I don't know when I'll have any free time for it anyway! I'm hoping to get some pictures of my knitting projects posted/linked today. In a knitting yahoo group that I belong to, Love2Knit_Dishcloths, someone posted about finishing all of their UFOs (unfinished objects) and I'd really like to be able to say that some day! My sister-in-law and I are going yarn shopping later this month so I must restrain myself!!!
We have our last dart match this evening which I'm very glad about. I LOVE hanging out with the girls but the season gets SOOOOOOOOO long. We've got a meeting about the league party next week and then playoffs start so I've got a bit of time before I can relax on a Wednesday night but at least the end is in sight!!
I'm getting that stupid box at the bottom of the page saying "Could not connect to Blogger.com. Saving and publishing may fail."
Anyway... since it will probably take me quite awhile to get this posted - what with trying and retrying - I'll quit here and try to organize my knitting projects. Perhaps it's a sign.
Have a beautiful day!
Blogger problems!
I've been trying to post something all day and blogger's screwing with me again so I thought I'd post a small test post and see what happens!
Monday, February 26, 2007
diagonal knot dishcloth
This is the dishcloth that I knit while taking it easy on my back on Friday! It is based on the diagonal knit stitch from The Harmony Guides 450 Knitting Stitches, Volume 2. Here's the pattern if you'd like to knit it up for yourself! (I used Sugar n Creme's pink lilacs)
Make knot - P3 together leaving sts on needle, yrn, then purl same 3sts together again
CO 32 sts
Knit 4 rows for boarder
Row 1 (and all odd rows) RS: Knit across
Row 2: K2, *make knot* rep from * to last 3 sts, p1, k2
Row 4: K2, p2, *make knot*, rep from * to last 4 sts, p2, k2
Row 6: K2, p1, *make knot* rep from * to last 2 sts, k2
When you have reached your desired length, knit 4 more rows for boarder and bind off!
Make knot - P3 together leaving sts on needle, yrn, then purl same 3sts together again
CO 32 sts
Knit 4 rows for boarder
Row 1 (and all odd rows) RS: Knit across
Row 2: K2, *make knot* rep from * to last 3 sts, p1, k2
Row 4: K2, p2, *make knot*, rep from * to last 4 sts, p2, k2
Row 6: K2, p1, *make knot* rep from * to last 2 sts, k2
When you have reached your desired length, knit 4 more rows for boarder and bind off!
Getting pregnant wasn't supposed to be this difficult.
I was so excited to start trying to conceive this cycle but it's not going so smoothly! I was sure that after reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility, I would be armed with everything I needed to know to get pregnant quickly. I've been pretty good about observing my fertility signs but they haven't been very good about cooperating with each other! I was expecting a long cycle because of my body getting back to normal after the miscarriage but I also thought that the fall may have delayed ovulation. ARRGGGG..... I just don't know!! How am I supposed to start taking my progesterone the day after I ovulate if I can't figure out when I ovulated! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!!
Anyway... I'm not going to stress about this. I know I've got time and stressing won't solve or change anything. So I guess I'll just wait for a clear shift on my chart and go from there! If you'd like to put your 2 cents in on if I ovulated or not yet, click on the ticker above (the little ladybug!) which will take you to my fertility friend chart and ovulation poll.
Still snowing here... could go on and off all day. It's pretty but there was a lot of freezing rain and/or sleet last night so I'm not even going to chance going out today! The driveway is probably a sheet of ice!
Have a great one!
Anyway... I'm not going to stress about this. I know I've got time and stressing won't solve or change anything. So I guess I'll just wait for a clear shift on my chart and go from there! If you'd like to put your 2 cents in on if I ovulated or not yet, click on the ticker above (the little ladybug!) which will take you to my fertility friend chart and ovulation poll.
Still snowing here... could go on and off all day. It's pretty but there was a lot of freezing rain and/or sleet last night so I'm not even going to chance going out today! The driveway is probably a sheet of ice!
Have a great one!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Well, I've had an interesting few days. I've been so proud of myself for getting back to the gym after being stuck in the house because of the snow and then on Friday morning (after I did my yoga DVD, thankfully) as I was taking some things down to the basement, I wasn't paying attention and missed the second step. Arrgg... picture me sliding, on my butt, all the way down to the bottom, hands full of boxes and such. I'm not seriously injured but my elbows and sacrum are definitely quite bruised! I've been taking it easy - got lots of knitting done on Friday! - and don't feel terrible but Friday seemed like it was going to be a good baby making day! My chart is still a bit wonky after my miscarriage in January so I'm still not sure if I've ovulated or not
. Anyway... we'll keep working on it till I see a clear thermal shift on my chart (which may be as soon as tomorrow) and then I'll start taking my progesterone.
It's snowing here again - very pretty. The weather people have no idea what to expect so I may be spending another few days in the house (which I have absolutely no problem with!)
Got some scrapbooking done today which was nice. I'm going to get back to some knitting as we watch the Simpsons, etc. this evening. Guess I'd better get to it rather than just talking about it. Hope to get some knitting pictures up soon. I tried a flickr badge but it doesn't seem to be working properly.
Have a great evening!
It's snowing here again - very pretty. The weather people have no idea what to expect so I may be spending another few days in the house (which I have absolutely no problem with!)
Got some scrapbooking done today which was nice. I'm going to get back to some knitting as we watch the Simpsons, etc. this evening. Guess I'd better get to it rather than just talking about it. Hope to get some knitting pictures up soon. I tried a flickr badge but it doesn't seem to be working properly.
Have a great evening!
Monday, February 19, 2007
My (belated) valentine's day present!
Well... I finally got through the ice in front of the first garage door! We've still technically got two more to dig out but with the temperature supposed to go up into the mid 40's (heatwave!) tomorrow and stay there through the week, I don't think I'll tax myself too much!
Chris brought home my Valentine's day present on Friday - this beautiful bouquet of roses! I was pretty miffed that he didn't get me anything *on* Valentine's day so he was making it up to me! He said that there were plenty of 'For my husband' cards left at the florist on Friday when he was there but no 'For my wife' cards. I told him that was because all of the wives had planned ahead and had their cards and gifts purchased well in advance of the weather! Anyway... these beautiful flowers are gracing my diningroom and make me smile every time I see them! Now if I could just get him to help me finish taking down the wall paper in the bedroom!
Chris brought home my Valentine's day present on Friday - this beautiful bouquet of roses! I was pretty miffed that he didn't get me anything *on* Valentine's day so he was making it up to me! He said that there were plenty of 'For my husband' cards left at the florist on Friday when he was there but no 'For my wife' cards. I told him that was because all of the wives had planned ahead and had their cards and gifts purchased well in advance of the weather! Anyway... these beautiful flowers are gracing my diningroom and make me smile every time I see them! Now if I could just get him to help me finish taking down the wall paper in the bedroom!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Wowie! Our first real snow of the year was a doozie! It started snowing yesterday before I got up (probably around 7 a.m.) and just stopped around 6 tonight! Winston had a blast jumping around in the snow and my floors are a complete mess from him tracking in snow! I had such a great time watching him that it doesn't really matter! Chris went out to snow-blow the driveway around 2 and didn't get back in till 5. He's gotten from the truck to the end of the driveway clear but the front of the garage is still not done so I won't be going anywhere tomorrow either! I was looking forward to getting a run in at the gym but I guess there's nothing I can do about it.
Chris made me breakfast this morning which is the amount of my Valentine's present - he just doesn't think ahead! He figured he would stop today on the way home from work and get me something.
I got him a cute card and 2 fleece sweatshirts to replace one that has recently joined the 'do not wear out of the house' pile.
Since Wednesday is usually my errand day and I'd gotten most of the 'chores' around the house done, I spent most of the morning watching the first season, first dvd of The Sorpanos with Chris. We were watching an episode on A&E the other day and I was surprised that I didn't remember the early ones so we decided to get them from netflix! I got some knitting done as well which is always nice. I'm working on dishcloths right now since the Love_2_knit_dishcloths Round Robin will be coming my way sometime! Alright, enough for now. I'm going to get some pictures of our beautiful snow online!
Chris made me breakfast this morning which is the amount of my Valentine's present - he just doesn't think ahead! He figured he would stop today on the way home from work and get me something.
Since Wednesday is usually my errand day and I'd gotten most of the 'chores' around the house done, I spent most of the morning watching the first season, first dvd of The Sorpanos with Chris. We were watching an episode on A&E the other day and I was surprised that I didn't remember the early ones so we decided to get them from netflix! I got some knitting done as well which is always nice. I'm working on dishcloths right now since the Love_2_knit_dishcloths Round Robin will be coming my way sometime! Alright, enough for now. I'm going to get some pictures of our beautiful snow online!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Doctor's appointment update
Well, we had our follow up apointment with my doctor on Friday and got some good news - we can start trying to get pregnant as soon as we get to "that point" of this cycle! I'm so thrilled that we don't have to wait 3 months again. I'm a bit apprehensive because it doesn't seem like we're doing much different so I don't know if I can hope for a different outcome. My doctor did put me on a high dose of progesterone (I think it's prometrium, 100 mg) which he said will make sure my lining is matured enough to support a pregnancy. He also said that high doses of progesterone have been known to suppress the imune system a bit so perhaps that will counteract the antinuclear antibodies that could potentially be attachking the pregnancy. When we *do* get pregnant again, I'm going to ask him about the possibility of the prolactin in Chris' semen potentially causing spasms and miscarriage (don't remember which book I read this in but it's always stuck in my mind). Perhaps we'll have to use condoms when I'm pregnant (how funny is that!) but if it will halp it's SO worth it!
I just found this great webite - www.librarything.com - that lets you keep track of the books you're reading, waiting for, love, etc. This is great for me 'cause I keep adding more books to the list of ones that I want to read and it's getting a bit unruly! Plus, I can add it to my sidebar - check it out!
Anyway... were supposed to get a TON of snow here in the next few days. It looks like ccuweather is saying 3-6 inches by Wednesday night but I've heard reports all over the place - even up to a foot! As Chris sayd every time I ask how much snow we're getting - "I'll tell you Thursday".
Have a great day!
I just found this great webite - www.librarything.com - that lets you keep track of the books you're reading, waiting for, love, etc. This is great for me 'cause I keep adding more books to the list of ones that I want to read and it's getting a bit unruly! Plus, I can add it to my sidebar - check it out!
Anyway... were supposed to get a TON of snow here in the next few days. It looks like ccuweather is saying 3-6 inches by Wednesday night but I've heard reports all over the place - even up to a foot! As Chris sayd every time I ask how much snow we're getting - "I'll tell you Thursday".
Have a great day!
Friday, February 2, 2007
The best book I've read in quite awhile.
I just finished reading Dry, by Augusten Burroughs and I can't recommend this book enough! I had read Running with Scissors awhile ago after hearing an interview with Mr. Burroughs on WITF (my local NPR station). I enjoyed Running with Scissors very much and wanted more when I got to the end. Thankfully, there was an excerpt from Dry at the end. Intrigued, I added it immediately to my list of books on hold from my local library. |
Dry is the continuation of the memoir Burroughs began with Running With Scissors. In this continuation, Burroughs is on his own working in advertising and drinking himself into an early grave. His boss practically forces him into rehab which is, of course, not what he expected. Up until this point, I found the book interesteing but when Augusten returns from rehab and steps back into his old life, I became enthralled. There was a constant question in the back of my mind - will he or won't he? - and I never wanted to put the book down. I just had to know if he was going to fall off the wagon, so to speak. I will not tell you any more details because I really think that this is a book that everyone should read. The last half of the book is riviting and through his writing, I have truely come to care about this person that I have never met and probably never will.
Call your library today and put a copy on hold!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Blogger has been screwing with me for two weeks and I was really just going to quit blogging but I've got some things coming up for which it may be good to be able to blog! (More info on that later!)
I recieved a call from my doctor's office last week saying that the chromosome analysis came back normal. I was relieved but at the same time, I was upset. What do you hope for in that situation? If something was wrong, we could work to 'correct it' or at least have some idea of how often a pregnancy would result in miscarrige. On the other hand, there (currently) is not reason that I will not have a healthy baby of my own some day!
I went to a tarot card reader on January 20th and, although I'm not sure how much stock I put in tarot or this particular reader, his words were comforting. More on that later as well. Chris has darts tonight so I've got the place to myself and hopefully after the gym, I'll be able to spend a bit of time explaining more!
I've still been working on the book. It is going slowly but well and I'm still very excited about it. It's nice to have a direction to follow! Anyway... Passions is on and I don't know how many more episodes I'll get since they're cancelling it so I'd better enjoy while I can!
I recieved a call from my doctor's office last week saying that the chromosome analysis came back normal. I was relieved but at the same time, I was upset. What do you hope for in that situation? If something was wrong, we could work to 'correct it' or at least have some idea of how often a pregnancy would result in miscarrige. On the other hand, there (currently) is not reason that I will not have a healthy baby of my own some day!
I went to a tarot card reader on January 20th and, although I'm not sure how much stock I put in tarot or this particular reader, his words were comforting. More on that later as well. Chris has darts tonight so I've got the place to myself and hopefully after the gym, I'll be able to spend a bit of time explaining more!
I've still been working on the book. It is going slowly but well and I'm still very excited about it. It's nice to have a direction to follow! Anyway... Passions is on and I don't know how many more episodes I'll get since they're cancelling it so I'd better enjoy while I can!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Yeah for a snowy(ish) Friday!
Well... blogger still isn't letting me post so here I sit in front of notepad again!
I weighed in a weightwatchers yesterday. I was shocked to see that I had gained xx pounds. I thought I'd at least have 'maintained' but. I had quite a bit of beef jerkey at darts on Wednesday (Thanks a lot, Jaime!) so perhaps that contributed to it. I'm trying to stay on program. The gym will help I'm sure but I know I really have to watch what I eat.
I wandered around West reading after the meeting, checking out stores that I've always wanted to go into but never did. I started out at Chef Alan's, walked down to firefly up and over to earth rhythms and back. I didn't buy anything till I got to earth rhythms and found a really neat chakra clearing cd. I went into Celtic Myth and Moonlight after that in my search for a psychic/medical intuitive. Earth Rhythms had a few free magazines (New Visions, Yoga Journal, etc) that I picked up thinking they would have some ads in them but their book section is gone = ( Anyway... I spoke with the woman at CM&M and she said they had a seer (who she said is very good) coming in to do tarot readings on Saturday. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it Saturday 'cause Chris and I were planning on going to look at dishwashers a bit more but last night he found out that his uncle wants his help going through some old trains on Saturday. Of course, he agreed without even consulting me but I'm looking at that as a sign that I should make an appointment to see this guy! I've always been afraid of getting any kind of reading because I was ashamed of my miscarriages (like they were going to say it was my fault or something - shocking smiley) but I feel like I need to explore all avenues that I can to try and 'correct' (?) this infertility problem we're having.
Anyway... I'm off to the health food store in Robesonia today to check out some more 'literature' and perhaps find a local medical intuitive or at least to 'get some leads'. I'll be hitting the gym for a run too so hopefully that'll get me feeling good! We had a dusting of snow last night so I'm going to wait till a bit later in the day to go out.
We're going to a Royals hockey game this evening so I'd better really work it at the gym - I've already been plotting my dinner = P We used to have season tickets so I hardly ever ate at the games but since this is only the 2nd game we will have been to this year, I'm treating it as a special occasion and eating something that I normally wouldn't have!
I'm off to put some plot points into my storyline! Hope I'll get to post this some time soon!!!
I weighed in a weightwatchers yesterday. I was shocked to see that I had gained xx pounds. I thought I'd at least have 'maintained' but. I had quite a bit of beef jerkey at darts on Wednesday (Thanks a lot, Jaime!) so perhaps that contributed to it. I'm trying to stay on program. The gym will help I'm sure but I know I really have to watch what I eat.
I wandered around West reading after the meeting, checking out stores that I've always wanted to go into but never did. I started out at Chef Alan's, walked down to firefly up and over to earth rhythms and back. I didn't buy anything till I got to earth rhythms and found a really neat chakra clearing cd. I went into Celtic Myth and Moonlight after that in my search for a psychic/medical intuitive. Earth Rhythms had a few free magazines (New Visions, Yoga Journal, etc) that I picked up thinking they would have some ads in them but their book section is gone = ( Anyway... I spoke with the woman at CM&M and she said they had a seer (who she said is very good) coming in to do tarot readings on Saturday. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it Saturday 'cause Chris and I were planning on going to look at dishwashers a bit more but last night he found out that his uncle wants his help going through some old trains on Saturday. Of course, he agreed without even consulting me but I'm looking at that as a sign that I should make an appointment to see this guy! I've always been afraid of getting any kind of reading because I was ashamed of my miscarriages (like they were going to say it was my fault or something - shocking smiley) but I feel like I need to explore all avenues that I can to try and 'correct' (?) this infertility problem we're having.
Anyway... I'm off to the health food store in Robesonia today to check out some more 'literature' and perhaps find a local medical intuitive or at least to 'get some leads'. I'll be hitting the gym for a run too so hopefully that'll get me feeling good! We had a dusting of snow last night so I'm going to wait till a bit later in the day to go out.
We're going to a Royals hockey game this evening so I'd better really work it at the gym - I've already been plotting my dinner = P We used to have season tickets so I hardly ever ate at the games but since this is only the 2nd game we will have been to this year, I'm treating it as a special occasion and eating something that I normally wouldn't have!
I'm off to put some plot points into my storyline! Hope I'll get to post this some time soon!!!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
problems with blogger
I've been trying to post for 2 days now and haven't been able. This is just a test so I don't go through the whole procedure of copying and pasting my last posts only to have them disappear. If this posts properly, I'll be adding past posts later in the day.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
finally got to post this!
Well... I haven't been able to post to my blog since yesterday so I'm actually typing this on notepad on my computer to post at a later time!
Last night, I went to yoga (keeping with my resolution to get back to the gym everyday). I really wanted to attend the meditation class before it but for some reason, I ALWAYS think that it starts at 6:30 when that's the YOGA class - the meditation class starts at 6! When I got to yoga, I learned that my instructor is leaving (gasp smiley!). I can't believe how lost I felt when I heard that! She knew everythig that I've been through and I felt a real connection to her = ( It doesn't look like the gym has anyhone else lined up so far so I'll be checking out other studios tomorrow, I suppose. My first choice is this studio where I began my practice but I feel like this is good opportunity to explore other options. It was a bit difficult to focus on my practice for the first 15 minutes or so of the class but I finally got over that and had a pretty good practice. I got a new yoga mat from Jen (my BF) for Christmas and it's not broken in yet!! Down dog was IMPOSSIBLE because my hands kept slipping out from under me!
After class, I got a bit more knitting done on my afghan before I went to bed so it's still coming along. Slowely but surely!
I woke up late and achey this morning! BEtween the yoga class and running the other day, my body is fighting back! I only took 3 weeks off from the gym but I guess that was enough to go a bit soft = P
Today was a bit of a scattered day. I had a few small errands to run but when I got home, I just haven't been able to get focused back on what I'm supposed to be doing. I guess because there really isn't that much to do and I've got "plenty" of time to do it. They say a task expands or contracts to the amount of time alotted to complete it and I am living proof of that. And on that note, I'm going to plan out the rest of my day so I'm not rushing around trying to get "just one more thing" done before I have to leave for darts this evening. We're throwing at Central BEneficial Fire Company tonight so we probably won't win many games. Hopefully, everyone will be in a good mood 'cause I just can't deal with any drama tonight!
Last night, I went to yoga (keeping with my resolution to get back to the gym everyday). I really wanted to attend the meditation class before it but for some reason, I ALWAYS think that it starts at 6:30 when that's the YOGA class - the meditation class starts at 6! When I got to yoga, I learned that my instructor is leaving (gasp smiley!). I can't believe how lost I felt when I heard that! She knew everythig that I've been through and I felt a real connection to her = ( It doesn't look like the gym has anyhone else lined up so far so I'll be checking out other studios tomorrow, I suppose. My first choice is this studio where I began my practice but I feel like this is good opportunity to explore other options. It was a bit difficult to focus on my practice for the first 15 minutes or so of the class but I finally got over that and had a pretty good practice. I got a new yoga mat from Jen (my BF) for Christmas and it's not broken in yet!! Down dog was IMPOSSIBLE because my hands kept slipping out from under me!
After class, I got a bit more knitting done on my afghan before I went to bed so it's still coming along. Slowely but surely!
I woke up late and achey this morning! BEtween the yoga class and running the other day, my body is fighting back! I only took 3 weeks off from the gym but I guess that was enough to go a bit soft = P
Today was a bit of a scattered day. I had a few small errands to run but when I got home, I just haven't been able to get focused back on what I'm supposed to be doing. I guess because there really isn't that much to do and I've got "plenty" of time to do it. They say a task expands or contracts to the amount of time alotted to complete it and I am living proof of that. And on that note, I'm going to plan out the rest of my day so I'm not rushing around trying to get "just one more thing" done before I have to leave for darts this evening. We're throwing at Central BEneficial Fire Company tonight so we probably won't win many games. Hopefully, everyone will be in a good mood 'cause I just can't deal with any drama tonight!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Running, Chasing, Writing!
I've been trying to get a sidebar add-on that will show my running log from favoriterun.com but I can't seem to get it to work out... I'll have to try again in a few days when (hopefully) my brain iwll have come up with a new idea or two!
Obviously, I've started running again... well... that's what I like to call it anyway! I run for a minute and walk for a minute. I don't think I'll ever be a speed or distance runner but I know it's a great way to lose weight and get toned up and this pace is just fine for me. I have tried before to be a consistent (as in no walking breaks) runner and it just doesn't work. I get injured or just plain winded and don't keep up. I've been running the way I do now for 6 or 8 months (before my 3 week preganancy/miscarriage hiatus) and I enjoy it. It's enough of a challenge to get my heart rate up and sweat pouring but not enough to make me dread the treadmill. I did 1.79 miles yesterday in 30 minutes. Not a pace that will set the world on fire but, as you can tell, that doesn't bother me!
This morning the genertor guy came out for the annual service. I knew he was coming but it didn't really dawn on me this morning. Winston (our adorable but PITA springer spaniel) realized someone was here and of course wanted to go out and play with him (what a guard dog)! It wasn't till I went to put up the flag (about 10 minutes after letting Winston out) that I realized the generator guy was here. I went out and appologized for just letting the dog out without letting him know but he really didn't mind!! I was here in the office so able to keep an eye on Winston out the window. And imagine my surprise (NOT!) when I saw he had stolen the poor guy's roll of paper towels and was trying to shred it all over my back yard!! I guess that's what I get for letting him out and not supervising but it's getting cold out there! (Which reminds me... I need to put 'build a fire' on the to do list for today!) Winston had a great time out paying with the nice man and (luckily for me!) it tired him out so he's taking a nap right now!
I've started writing my book!!! I've never really known where to start but I came across this brief but immensly helpful article the other day and it really has me focused on this entire process! I wrote for an hour this morning - just 'fleshing out' the characters. The next step (hopefully tomorrow) will be to plot out the story. I've never done this much prep work when I thought about writing and I think that this will really help me to stay focused. Whenever I wanted to write before, I just did. No direction in mind just a general idea of what I'd like to write about and where I'd like to end up. Anyway... I will certianly keep updating about everything.
I'm STILL spotting a little bit after the miscarriage which is really just so anoying by now. I did a bit of knitting last night and hope to have the middle panel of my KING SIZE bed throw done by this weekend (only a year to get this far!). Hope to be able to post some pictures later today but still have some paperwork to do so I don't know if I'll get to it or not.
Obviously, I've started running again... well... that's what I like to call it anyway! I run for a minute and walk for a minute. I don't think I'll ever be a speed or distance runner but I know it's a great way to lose weight and get toned up and this pace is just fine for me. I have tried before to be a consistent (as in no walking breaks) runner and it just doesn't work. I get injured or just plain winded and don't keep up. I've been running the way I do now for 6 or 8 months (before my 3 week preganancy/miscarriage hiatus) and I enjoy it. It's enough of a challenge to get my heart rate up and sweat pouring but not enough to make me dread the treadmill. I did 1.79 miles yesterday in 30 minutes. Not a pace that will set the world on fire but, as you can tell, that doesn't bother me!
This morning the genertor guy came out for the annual service. I knew he was coming but it didn't really dawn on me this morning. Winston (our adorable but PITA springer spaniel) realized someone was here and of course wanted to go out and play with him (what a guard dog)! It wasn't till I went to put up the flag (about 10 minutes after letting Winston out) that I realized the generator guy was here. I went out and appologized for just letting the dog out without letting him know but he really didn't mind!! I was here in the office so able to keep an eye on Winston out the window. And imagine my surprise (NOT!) when I saw he had stolen the poor guy's roll of paper towels and was trying to shred it all over my back yard!! I guess that's what I get for letting him out and not supervising but it's getting cold out there! (Which reminds me... I need to put 'build a fire' on the to do list for today!) Winston had a great time out paying with the nice man and (luckily for me!) it tired him out so he's taking a nap right now!
I've started writing my book!!! I've never really known where to start but I came across this brief but immensly helpful article the other day and it really has me focused on this entire process! I wrote for an hour this morning - just 'fleshing out' the characters. The next step (hopefully tomorrow) will be to plot out the story. I've never done this much prep work when I thought about writing and I think that this will really help me to stay focused. Whenever I wanted to write before, I just did. No direction in mind just a general idea of what I'd like to write about and where I'd like to end up. Anyway... I will certianly keep updating about everything.
I'm STILL spotting a little bit after the miscarriage which is really just so anoying by now. I did a bit of knitting last night and hope to have the middle panel of my KING SIZE bed throw done by this weekend (only a year to get this far!). Hope to be able to post some pictures later today but still have some paperwork to do so I don't know if I'll get to it or not.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Childhood ambitions...
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a writer 'when I grew up'. Here I am, all grown up, not working (by choice) and I still want to be a writer. I've never really been able to follow through with much in my life, though, and so this ambition has remained just a dream. Until now, hopefully. I was thiknking about everything that I've been through in my life (my problems with infertility, specifically) and thought that it might make a good story. I know that everyone probably thinks that about their life but I'm sure that there are a lot of women out there for whom this subject may make interesting reading. As I've said, this has always just been an ambition so I'm not really even sure where to start but I think that this is something that I really need to do. I've written my first paragraph and am stuck there
but this really is something that I would like to do and I think if I put my mind to it, I can complete this book and make my dream into a reality! I know that I want this book to show the strength that women who endure this pain have but I'm not sure if I want a happy ending or not. I suppose I'll be writing from what I know so it may depend on if we have a happy ending or not. I'd love to hear any thoughts that you may have on this! PLease leave me a comment if you're so inclined.
Weekend roundup
Well... just as somehting to do, I thought I'd review my weekend for myself
. On Friday, Chris and I stayed home and watched 'March of the Penquins' which I really liked. The cinematography was AMAZING, obviously, and the penguins were just too darned cute! Of course, there were some parts that nearly made me cry (especially when some of the poor little eggs rolled away from their parents and froze and died almost instantly - talk about evoking painful memories). I'm very glad that we watched it, though!
On Saturday, I went to the gym (yeah, me!) and then Chris and I went out looking for dishwashers. We're not looking for one just yet but wanted to see what was out there in our price range (Chris wants to stay under $400 for the unit itself). Of course, I really loved the Bosch that we saw at our local appliance store but the base model was around $600 so that's out of the question. (Have I ever mentioned that I have expensive taste!) We did end up with a new microwave so I'm glad to have that - our old one was VERY old, small and underpowered! I'll certainly have to get used to the new one - I've already overcooked quite a few dishes! Saturday night, we went out to the bar to watch the Eagle's game. I was just there to drink but I supposed Chris wanted to watch the game! I had entirely too much to drink and ended up regretting it on Sunday but I had a good time and it was really nice to be able to let go.
Sunday, I spent all day on the couch, watching the 'Monk' marathon on USA! Poor Chris had to go to the club for his weekly duties and took a nap when he came home 'cause he REALLY wasn't feeling well!! We had Chinese take out for dinner 'cause I didn't feel like cooking.
My friend Mimi and I went out to lunch today to Lily's on Main in Ephrata. Our original destination was 10,000 Villages but they were closed for MLK day
. We had a very nice lunch so it was no biggie but the sign at 10,000 Villages said they were serving native american cuisine today and I was really looking forward to that. Oh well, perhaps I'll have to go down there by myself - afterall, it is only 25 or so minutes away!
So that was my weekend.
On Saturday, I went to the gym (yeah, me!) and then Chris and I went out looking for dishwashers. We're not looking for one just yet but wanted to see what was out there in our price range (Chris wants to stay under $400 for the unit itself). Of course, I really loved the Bosch that we saw at our local appliance store but the base model was around $600 so that's out of the question. (Have I ever mentioned that I have expensive taste!) We did end up with a new microwave so I'm glad to have that - our old one was VERY old, small and underpowered! I'll certainly have to get used to the new one - I've already overcooked quite a few dishes! Saturday night, we went out to the bar to watch the Eagle's game. I was just there to drink but I supposed Chris wanted to watch the game! I had entirely too much to drink and ended up regretting it on Sunday but I had a good time and it was really nice to be able to let go.
Sunday, I spent all day on the couch, watching the 'Monk' marathon on USA! Poor Chris had to go to the club for his weekly duties and took a nap when he came home 'cause he REALLY wasn't feeling well!! We had Chinese take out for dinner 'cause I didn't feel like cooking.
My friend Mimi and I went out to lunch today to Lily's on Main in Ephrata. Our original destination was 10,000 Villages but they were closed for MLK day
So that was my weekend.
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