Well... blogger still isn't letting me post so here I sit in front of notepad again!
I weighed in a weightwatchers yesterday. I was shocked to see that I had gained xx pounds. I thought I'd at least have 'maintained' but. I had quite a bit of beef jerkey at darts on Wednesday (Thanks a lot, Jaime!) so perhaps that contributed to it. I'm trying to stay on program. The gym will help I'm sure but I know I really have to watch what I eat.
I wandered around West reading after the meeting, checking out stores that I've always wanted to go into but never did. I started out at Chef Alan's, walked down to firefly up and over to earth rhythms and back. I didn't buy anything till I got to earth rhythms and found a really neat chakra clearing cd. I went into Celtic Myth and Moonlight after that in my search for a psychic/medical intuitive. Earth Rhythms had a few free magazines (New Visions, Yoga Journal, etc) that I picked up thinking they would have some ads in them but their book section is gone = ( Anyway... I spoke with the woman at CM&M and she said they had a seer (who she said is very good) coming in to do tarot readings on Saturday. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it Saturday 'cause Chris and I were planning on going to look at dishwashers a bit more but last night he found out that his uncle wants his help going through some old trains on Saturday. Of course, he agreed without even consulting me but I'm looking at that as a sign that I should make an appointment to see this guy! I've always been afraid of getting any kind of reading because I was ashamed of my miscarriages (like they were going to say it was my fault or something - shocking smiley) but I feel like I need to explore all avenues that I can to try and 'correct' (?) this infertility problem we're having.
Anyway... I'm off to the health food store in Robesonia today to check out some more 'literature' and perhaps find a local medical intuitive or at least to 'get some leads'. I'll be hitting the gym for a run too so hopefully that'll get me feeling good! We had a dusting of snow last night so I'm going to wait till a bit later in the day to go out.
We're going to a Royals hockey game this evening so I'd better really work it at the gym - I've already been plotting my dinner = P We used to have season tickets so I hardly ever ate at the games but since this is only the 2nd game we will have been to this year, I'm treating it as a special occasion and eating something that I normally wouldn't have!
I'm off to put some plot points into my storyline! Hope I'll get to post this some time soon!!!
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