Monday, April 16, 2007

Inspiring E-mail

I received an e-mail from Pam at MindBody Studio where I occasionally practice yoga and it was very uplifting and resonated with me. I'm not sure what struggles Pam is going through but I will be sending her all the healing and loving energy I can whenever I think of her. Anyway, as I said, this e-mail resonated with me and I felt a need to post it.

Spring; A time of renewal

New buds forming on the trees, spring bulbs bursting into color, the rain-soaked days, are all reminders that the earth is in a process of renewing itself once again. As we welcome this time of year as a time of renewal, ask yourself, do you have a process that allows you to renew yourself?

For those of us who have a continuous practice, we know just how valuable it is to be able to cleanse the body of toxins and deep seated tension, to rid the mind of old ways of thinking, and to melt down the walls of resistance that keep us from from living from our light.

If you have yet to get started, but have been thinking about it, there is no better time than now. Our Beginner classes are on-going classes held every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 8:45. Please feel free to join us at any time. We look forward to meeting you and supporting you as you develop your process.

A Heart-felt 'Thank-you'

I would like to express my gratitude to all you for your support and words of encouragement during this challenging time in my life. It's times like this that I am extremely grateful for my practice.

While we cannot always control the events or circumstances in our life, we do have control over how we choose to deal with them. From a yoga perspective, we view these challenges as opportunities for growth. It is during times like these that we stop in our tracks, re-evaluate our life, and continue to realign ourselves with the things that are most meaningful to us.

As I prepare for my journey ahead, I feel blessed to be a part of this amazing yoga 'kula' (community). The energy and love has carried me through the stormy days and continues to light my way. Each day is a new opportunity to step into the flow of Grace. Grace is a gift, and that gift is life. Deepening my connections to those around me and the things that are most meaningful to me is a way to embrace this gift of life.

"The winds of grace are blowing all the time,
all we need do is set our sail."

Many Blessings!

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