We had our 2nd ultrasound on Thursday and everything still looks good!! (we saw the heartbeat flicker!!!). I've got a subplacental collection which pretty much means that the embryo borough into an artery and created a hematoma which is what has been causing the spotting/bleeding. It's nothing to worry about (unless the spotting changes to bleeding) and should hopefully disappear within 4 to 6 weeks but I've still got to take it easy so I'm on 'light duty'! No lifting over 10 pounds an only light exercise if any I'm actually leaning towards none!! Laying on the couch and knitting/reading/watching TV has become a favorite past time of mine over this past week! I've spend the last 2 days on the couch and my index finger on my right hand is actually hurting from so much knitting!! At least I've got the dishcloths made for Easter Dinner! (I hope to get to post some pictures tomorrow but we'll see how I feel!)
I'm glad we have our netflix subscription - I have a feeling I'm going to be using it a lot in the next few months! Today alone I watched: Bring It On (a guilty pleasure of mine!!), Bring It On: All Or Nothing (my newest guilty pleasure - i just LOVE Hayden Panettiere), Posiden (fair at best), pieces of Erin Brocovitch, SuperSize Me and Friday!!! I'm going to be a pop culture expert before I know it!!
Anyway... it's late and I should be in bed... even though I've spend the day doing nothing, I'm getting pretty tired. Chris is out with friends this evening so I get to sleep in peace - at least until he comes in and wakes the dog!