We've got a bunch of sickies running around here right now. The girls and I are sick with colds - stuffy, runny noses, sore throats... The big one had a fever which broke last night thank goodness. I hate to see my babies sick. (I know all of you parents out there can relate.) I can usually tough out a cold pretty well but since we're going on three weeks now, I figured I needed to see the doctor as well. Try taking your whole family to the doctor and see how far you get! My doctor doesn't treat kids under six. I called a new pediatrician that we were considering switching to and they won't see the girls without their records being transferred. Our regular pediatrician was out sick too so we took a family trip to the urgent care this morning. You're jealous. I know you are. Thankfully, we never have to wait for very long there but $90 and at least two prescriptions later we have returned home with a sinus infection for me, an ear infection for the little one and an upper respiratory infection for the big one. Ugh. We don't get sick a whole lot around here so it's always difficult for me to adjust to the attitudes and crankiness that come along with illness. (If I'm being honest, the attitudes and crankiness are mostly me! When I'm tired, I'm just not pleasant. It's difficult for me to admit this because I like to "be the strong one" and I used to be able to pull it off before the kids sucked all of the energy out of me!)
So, the girls are napping. My kitchen's a disaster and I'm about ready to pass out myself. I think lay down on the couch and read a book through my eyelids. With any luck, I'll wake up refreshed and ready to un-wreck this house!
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