We had our appointment with Doctor West on Wednesday. I briefly told him what was going on (and how disappointed I was with the doctor that we had seen on Friday). He did an ultrasound to see what was going on and it showed that the miscarriage was complete and all the 'tissue' had passed which #1. I already knew and #2. made me glad that I didn't have to go through another D&C and that there was no risk of infection or anything.
I asked if we should consider seeing and reproductive endochrinologist and he said that they wouldn't do anything that we weren't already going to do. Multiple miscarriage seems to be his specific area of focus so I left with the feeling that we are definitiely seeing the doctor that we need to be seeing.
Our next step is a chromosomal analysis of both me and Chris. We went straight over to the lab after the appointment (it's conveniently located across the hall!) and both had blood drawn. The results will take from 4 to 6 weeks which will be frustrating but at least we're not just waiting to try again. Now, hopefully, when we try again, we'll have some idea of what we're up against. It also sounded like we may not have to wait the standard 3 months this time either. I think we may be able to start trying after we meet with Dr. West to go over the results. It really doesn't matter anyway. Even if he were to tell us to wait another month after the results, I'm not sure I would listen. It usually takes us 3 or 4 months to get pregnant anyway so why not start a month earlier.
So that's that for now. I went back to the gym this morning so hopefully, I can get back to that habit. It was really hard to make it the last two weeks when I was feeling so tired. But, I know that focusing on a healthy lifestyle will help me to get through this difficult time - it did last year!
I've told a few close friends about the miscarriage but I don't know how many others I will tell. Chris told his friends on Wednesday night. They pretty much said that they had figured out that I was pregnant but weren't going to say anything until we did which made me glad. At least they seem to know how we're feeling through some of this even if none of them have ever been through it. I think one of Chris' friends even went so far as to say 'even if she was huge, like 8 months pregnant, and you still hadn't told anyone, I wouldn't ask!'
Well... enough rambling for now. I'm helping out with the auction for the American Heart Association's Heart Ball this year and have to get to some paperwork! Have a wonderful day!
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