Sunday, April 1, 2007

more blogger crap!!

I'm really getting frustrated with blogger not letting me post/access other posts/loading my flickr badge, etc. so I'm going to give livejournal a shot. Since I'm still taking it easy, it will take me awhile to move stuff to a livejournal blog but I'll be sure to post when it's all done!

UPDATE: I just spent an hour or so looking over live journal and while I REALLY like the site, it doesn't offer the sidebar customization that blogger does and I just LOVE all of my sidebar crap and can't part with it. I suppose I'll just have to muscle through it with blogger!

I woke up this morning at 7:30 (as always) and couldn't get back to sleep. I've been sitting in front of this computer since then and I think it's probably about time I took up my place on the couch again! The spotting has mostly stopped so today's mission will be to avoid the overwhelming urge to resume business as usual and do too much. I think if I use my flylady principle of 'just 15 minutes' differently and only *do* 15 minutes of work an hour, I should be ok! I've got a lamb stew to get in the crock pot and some laundry to fold but other than that, there's nothing pressing that NEEDS to be done.

Before I got out of bed this morning, I was laying there thinking about everything that has gone on in the last year and a half of my life. Isn't it just amazing the way that we change and grow and learn? A year and a half ago, I knew very little about pregnancy and babies and all the rest of the medical crap that goes along with it. I've had to learn SO MUCH in the last year that I think if I wanted to, I could become an OB nurse Of course, I'm just kidding. I know it takes a LOT of work to become a nurse but I'm just shocked at the amount of information that I have gathered over the last year. Going into a doctor's appointment now, I feel like I already know what he's going to say!

It's amazing how we seek out the things we need just when we need them, too. I know that after my last miscarriage I was looking for something, anything to help me understand what was going on and to get through all of my pain and confusion. I was amazed to find what I needed in an interest that I have long since abandoned; metaphysical, new agey kind of stuff. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time reading about crystal healing and tarot cards and psychic abilities. For some reason or another (probably at my father's insistence) I stopped learning about these things. After my tarot card reading in January, I've come to embrace this stuff again. I don't know if any of it really works or if it's all psychosomatic but does it really matter? I needed something and have found it, at least for the time being! Who knows, next week, I may need something else and find it someplace else but for now I'm happy. And I suppose that's all that matters!

Anyway, I'm off to take my rambling, sleep addled brain to the couch for a nap! Perhaps some pictures later today!

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