Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Believe it or not, we did it!

Well, despite all of my doubts, I had my blood work done today and the beta was positive - I'm pregnant! I can't believe it!! I'm so excited and at the same time cautious. I've got to go for repeat blood work in 48 hours which would be Thursday morning to make sure my levels are increasing appropriately.

Chris and I were on our way out to dinner with his brother, sister-in-law and some others when the doctor's office finally called with the results. They were in a meeting and couldn't get back to me till 5:45 or so. Luckily, I have our phones set to call my cell phone as well as the home phone so I got took the call as Chris drove. I was shocked when the nurse told me the beta was positive and gave Chris the thumbs up even though he had no idea what it was for - up until yesterday, I was positive that I wasn't pregnant. She said my beta was 151 (low but it's very early) and progesterone was 33 - both very good! I'm headed to fertility friend right now to record my numbers and compare them to my last pregnancy! (probably shouldn't compare the two but can't help it!) Anyway, by now I'm sure I'm just rambling on but I really am excited! (did I mention that yet?)

Let's pray this one sticks!

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